This all information is for educational purposes and not we are recommending to card anything. This is for giving an introduction to the cybersecurity field on how to secure the site from hackers/attackers. Carding is fraud and there is a punishment for this act as you are using the credit card of someone without their permission.
Steps To Card Amazon Using Android
👉 Download The Following Apps :
>> HideMyAss! Pro Vpn / Vyper VPN
>> Mozilla Firefox
Get Your CC Ready
1.First step is to connect your VPN to the Credit Card owner's country
2.Open Mozilla Firefox
3.Go to Gmail
4.Make a new Gmail account with name of Credit card owner's name
5. Don't put your number for verification
6.Now visit and Login Amazon. in
7.Make new account with CC owner's name
8.Now add any product to cart and sign out
9.Do not disconnect the VPN
10.Sign in after 15 minutes
11.Proceed to checkout
12.Put the address of the credit card owner in the billing address of the site and your address in the shipping address (write carefully)
13. Don't forget to check the item is deliverable to India ( if you are doing fir India address)
If not then change the product
14.Check Gift option, if available
15.Place the order.
16.Don't sign in again
17. Now don't sign in through amazon, as you entered the Gmail you will get shipping details in the mail
18.Wait for the product
if product wasn't delivered
>> your VPN wasn't connected continuously for 15 minutes
>> your cc is dead
>> or you didn't follow the steps
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